Friday 30 November 2018

Spiritual Awakening and Manifestation

Good Afternoon everyone, thank you for sticking by me. I will endeavor to start posting on a more regular basis and plan on having another Can't Cook Wont Cook up next week for you all to try. Anyway today's blog is slightly different, but also fits in with other blog posts so I hope you will stick with it as I am sure it will benefit you all greatly.

I wanted to be honest with people, especially those that mean a lot to me. Since Kev's spiritual awakening things have been particularly strange, only I found out something on this 3 year journey. 
I wanted to keep it quiet, have have been for a while, for fear of ridicule but I know that I am in the right place to share.
Not only does Kev visit me in my dreams to tell me about it the next day without my saying.
Not only does he see spirit with his eyes, seeing through his eyelids (lol at his training for that!), moving things with his mind, using universal energy to heal others, teaches others about his experiences as a shamanic healer and multidimensional teacher, who frequently visits beyond the veil.
If this doesn't sound crazy enough he teaches people to change their hair colour, eye colour, body shape, heal ANY PHYSICAL AILMENT OR ILLNESS and even life events at will - and that's not mentioning the dozen books he's written, made hundreds of videos, thousands of pages of notes and artwork. And I started to change my eye colour to a brilliantly bright golden red colour.
Back to the point, he came across a technique that has caused many things to happen very quickly for him. Though there is a catch, for him to teach me, he was having to share what he had learned and that I would have to share it after.
If I did, I'd be rewarded and if I didn't let's say I wouldn't be rewarded... so here it is -
"Thank you father technique"

Step 1 - Decide exactly what you want
Step 2 - Repeat thank you father in your mind over and over again
Step 3 - Write list of desired outcome as though its here "I won £1,000,000 today" "I have a healthy, harmonious body" "several miracles came at once" 
Step 4 - Repeat thank you father before and after each stage/each intention
Step 5 - Leave list of desired outcomes in a place that gets sun/moonlight
Step 6 - Remember to say thank you father again and again throughout your day.
Step 7 - Give thanks for receiving the outcomes now
Step 8 - Repeat everyday and watch what happens.

Kev has manifested several things and shared what he learned with me so I could share it with you.
I hope, in fact, I know you will benefit. 
Test it for yourself and see.
I love you,

For anyone interested in trying out some of our ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
Twitter (Dan):

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