Saturday 29 December 2018

Having a Truffle-Good Time

Good Afternoon all you lovely people and thank you for stopping by for today's post. 

As you may have guessed by the picture, we have a little something we are working on, partly from our love of cooking and partly because, well, who doesn't love truffles.

Today we made some truffles and I am sharing the recipe with you lovely people, along with seeing what sort of interest there is for these if we were to sell them. O and what do you think of the name? Catchy huh?


300ml double cream
30g unsalted butter
300g chocolate (your choice of flavour)


Heat together the cream and butter over a pan of simmering water, being careful to not let the water dry or touch the bottom of the pan.
Once the cream and butter are combined add in the chocolate either chunked or grated.
Add in any flavouring e.g. vanilla, coffee, toffee, orange, mint, etc.
Pour over cream and stir gently until chocolate is melted - to melt anything unmelted, simply keep the bowl above the heat until fully combined.
1-3 hours later in a cool fridge and the truffles can be scooped to roll and then dusted with many toppings or dipped in chocolate.

Feel free to share your creations and do let me know what you think of our snack shop idea.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
Twitter (Dan):

Friday 28 December 2018

New Year Rune Reading

Good evening one and all and thank you for joining me and sticking by me, it really means a lot to me. I have something slightly different for today's blog, in the form of a rune reading.

Some of you may be aware that I recently started selling on Fiverr (I will include the link down below for those who may be interested) and I offer personalised rune readings. I also offer custom colouring pages as well if that is of interest :)

So I decided to sit down in the quiet and ask the angels and spirits to guide me in a rune reading for the year ahead, this can be taken however it fits in with your life.

The reading was as follows and I included the meanings:

Uruz - U - Brute Strength
Strength, home love on all sides, health, changes, a forceful masculine archetype.

Mannaz - M - The Nature of Humanity
The self and its place in the collective conscience of humanity. We are all part of the collective unconscious - We are all One. Your attitude towards and their attitude towards you. Take this time for personal reflection.

Jera - J or Y - The Cycle of One Year
Reaping of a reward when your world seems stagnant, harvest the seeds you have planted, gain, fruition, things happening in their own time and space when they are supposed to.

I really hope this will be of some use to you.

Sending many positive blessings for the year ahead 💖

Love and light to you all.

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
Twitter (Dan):

Sunday 2 December 2018

Christmas Is Coming!

Good Evening one and all and thank you for joining me and sticking by me.

Too soon? Perhaps but then Christmas has been in the shops for months already.

I had a rather productive afternoon, with the help of the other one barking orders at me (he will love me telling you that ha)

I decided to try my hand at baking only this time with an actual design, something neither of us have done before. So we made a little wintry, Christmassy wonderland scene with holly, berries, trees and presents made using fondant topping the cake, a cupcake with holly and berries which also has green sponge and a yule log on the side.

For this we just used our basic cake mix which also happens to be vegetarian/vegan friendly if you use appropriate substitutes.

This recipe also happens to be in my cookbook, along with many other sweet recipe ideas. I will include the link down below.

All the sponges were made using the same recipe and then flavoured accordingly:

2 teaspoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of butter (or you can use a vegetarian/vegan alternative)
2 teaspoons of oil (we used sunflower oil)
2 teaspoons of flour
A dash of milk or suitable alternative
1 teaspoon of baking powder

You can use 2 eggs but they aren't required as the cake comes out moist and cooked through.

Cream the butter and sugar together.
Add the flour and baking powder and combine, I use the back of a spoon and press down to bring it together.
Add the oil and milk and mix together to form a cake batter.
If you are using flavouring this can be added, for the main cake we used vanilla and for the yule log we followed the same steps and added cocoa powder for the chocolate sponge.
Place in the oven at 180C and bake for around 18 minutes.

Once the sponge is cooled you can add any decorations or frosting you wish. Our main cake we used jam and vanilla frosting to layer the sponge. For the yule log we added a chocolate frosting on top and through the sponge.

Using a green fondant we covered the cake and cupcake first before adding the design. The cherries and presents we used a white fondant which we coloured with food colouring. Once we finished the design and had it all assembled we then sprinkled over icing sugar to create a real Christmassy scene.

This was how it looked before we added the yule log and dusting.

And the finished product.

I must admit, we are rather pleased with ourselves considering this was our first attempt.

Let me know what you think and feel free to show off your own creations, would love to see how you get on.

For anyone interested in trying out some of our ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
Twitter (Dan):