Sunday 7 April 2019

100 Body Hacks - Eyes

Good Afternoon everyone. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend! I will have something a bit different coming your way soon, with regards to information and colouring pages/sketches surrounding many different types and species of animals along with their spiritual meaning if they have one. Let me know what you think and if this is something you want to see.

Anyway, I digress. Back to today. 

So today's blog I am following on from yesterday's post, this time surrounding your eyes.

Imagine your eyes to be a desired colour of your choice, or to have perfect eyesight. Imagine how it feels to be complimented about your eyes and how well you can see now. How does it feel to have the eyes and the sight that you have now? See yourself stood in a mirror in your mind, looking at your eyes. 
Trust me, this works if you believe enough. I tried it out a while back and, for a period of time, I had the most brilliant red in my eyes, this only changed because I stopped thinking about it. So go ahead, give it a go, what have you got to lose?

Affirmations to use - I love my beautiful eyes, which see with clarity.
I love how healthy my beautiful eyes look and feel.
I am grateful for my sight and I am grateful that my eyes are perfect for me.

Let me know how you get on and what colour you chose.

Love and light to you all :) 

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev):
Twitter (Dan):

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.
I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ

Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

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