Monday 8 April 2019

100 Body Hacks - Skin

Good Afternoon everybody, welcome to the start of the week. Hope it is great for you and you had a great weekend! Oh yes, if you want your own portrait like the one above or on yesterday's blog, follow the links below, or get in touch.

Today is a continuation of yesterday, I hope you are enjoying them.

This time it is about your skin. Imagine your skin to be fresh, healthy and vibrant. Imagine it to be youthful and glowing with perfection. Imagine how it feels to have perfect, smooth and supple skin. Feel how it feels to be complimented for your beautiful skin. Imagine looking at your perfect skin, of any colour, make it darker or lighter and see how you look and feel.
Go try it and let me know how you get on!

Affirmations - I love my beautiful, healthy and vibrant skin.
I love how my skin looks and feels.
I am so grateful for my perfect, healthy skin.
I love how youthful and flexible my skin is.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev):
Twitter (Dan):

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.
I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ

Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

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