Thursday 11 April 2019

100 Body Hacks - Nose

Good Afternoon everyone. Hope everyone is well. Another sunny day here in England, long may it continue. Another body hack blog today so I hope these are something you are all enjoying. Today is about the nose, a very focal feature on our faces and I know a lot of us are anxious about how our nose looks.

How would it feel to have the cutest nose you can imagine? How does it feel looking in the mirror and seeing your nose exactly how you imagine it to be? Look at your face in your mind, see how your nose sits perfectly on your face and how lovely and symmetrical your nose is. Imagine all the comments you receive about how cute your nose is.

Now wouldn't that be perfect?

Some affirmations to use:

I love my lovely nose, it is cute and symmetrical.
I am so grateful for my perfect nose.
I love the way my nose looks and I love how my nose makes me feel.
I love my beautiful nose and how it fits my face perfectly.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:
USA link -
UK link -

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev)
Twitter (Dan)

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.

I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ


Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

Wednesday 10 April 2019

100 Body Hacks - Face

Good Evening everyone. I hope you are all well. Lovely, warm and sunny day here in the South East of England. Certainly cheers me up seeing some sunshine.
Today I am back to the body hacks. Let me know how you are getting on won't you!

For today, we shall talk about the face. How would you feel with the face of your dreams? Imagine yourself to look however it is you desire. Look upon your desired face with joy, gratitude and excitement. Imagine smiling to yourself and touching your face. Imagine all those you encounter to see the face you so desire, how delighted do they look seeing you?

Some affirmations to use:

I love my beautiful face.
I am perfect in every way and I am grateful for it.
I am blessed with perfection in every aspect of my life.
I feel like perfection and I radiate perfection.
It brings me great joy to have such perfection in me.

I hope this helps and you enjoy my new blog approach and ideas. If you have anything else you want me to post, please do let me know.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:
USA link -
UK link -

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev)
Twitter (Dan)

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.

I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ


Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Animal Facts and Spiritual Meaning - Aardvark

The aardvark, also called 'Digging Foot' or 'Antbear', is a medium-sized mammal native to Africa.
Early settlers from Europe thought it resembled a pig.
The name comes from the Afrikaans/Dutch for 'Earth Pig', although actually has no relation to the pig except for sharing some characteristics and a similar resemblance.


Its most distinctive characteristic is its teeth. Rather than having a pulp cavity in their tooth, they have a number of thin tubes of dentine, a calcified tissue of the body, which contain pulp held together by Cementum (a specialized, calcified substance covering the root of the tooth). They have no enamel coating and are worn away, regrowing continuously. They are born with conventional incisors and canines at the front of the jaw. These fall out and aren't replaced. Adult aardvarks only have cheek teeth at the back of the jaw.
They are vaguely pig-like with a stout body and arched back, sparsely covered with coarse hairs. They have no thumb on their front feet resulting in four toes, however they have all five on their rear feet.
In order to effectively dig they have shovel-shaped claws. They have a long and sticky tongue to help catch insects.
Adult aardvarks are 67 to 79 inches long and typically weigh from 88 to 143 pounds. They are a pale yellowish grey, although often stained reddish-brown by the soil. They have a thin coat with their tough skin being their primary protection.
They have also been known to sleep in recently excavated ant nests for extra protection.


They are nocturnal mammals and predominantly solitary, feeding mostly on ants and termites. The only fruit the eat is rather aptly named too, the aardvark cucumber. 
They tend to emerge from their burrow in the late afternoon or shortly after sunset, foraging over a considerable range covering 10 to 30km. They swing their long nose from side to side to pick up the scent of food. When they locate ants or termites, they dig into the nest with their powerful front legs, ensuring they keep their ears in an upright position to listen for predators.

They use their long, sticky tongue to pick up as many as 50,000 insects in one night.
Generally speaking they are slow movers, but they dig exceptionally fast. Their claws enable them to dig through the extremely hard crust of an ant/termite mound quickly.
In order to avoid the dust they seal their nostrils and their long tongue licks up the insects.
Their tough skin is used as a shield against the termites stinging attacks.

Apart from digging out ants and termites they also excavate burrows to live in. The main burrow is used for breeding and then have temporary sites scattered around it which are used for refuge. 
The main burrows are deep and extensive and often have several entrances. They change the layout regularly, sometimes moving on and making a new one. When they do this, smaller animals often inhabit the old burrows. 
Only the mother and her cub will actually share the burrow.


They live in Sub Saharan Africa, in savannas, grasslands, woodlands and bush land where they know there will be readily available ants and termites for them to eat. Sometimes, they may also be found in rain forests but they never live in desert regions. But they base where they live purely on the availability of food.
They require sandy soil rather than rocks to make digging for food easier.
They live in underground burrows. Located at the end of the tunnel you will find a round 'room', this is where they will curl up to sleep and the females will also give birth in here.
Burrows generally have one entrance, but some will have many along with several tunnels leading off from the main tunnel.


They can consume around 50,000 insects in one night. 
They began eating ants and termites around 35million years ago, and this is still their preferred meal. An ant/termite hill isn't enough to satisfy them so instead they will search for entire colonies. 
They also will eat locusts and a type of grasshopper.


They have a varied mating season. In some areas they mate between April and May with offspring born in October or November. In other regions offspring can be born in May or June.
The females carry their offspring for 7 months and give birth to 1 cub each pregnancy.

Newborns are born hairless and have pink, tender skin, remaining in the burrow for 2 weeks with their mother. After this they follow their mothers nightly in search of food. 
They don't eat solid food for around 3 months, drinking their mums milk during this time.
At 14 weeks they start eating termites, and are usually weaned around 16 weeks. By 6 months they can dig their own burrow but prefer to stay with their mum until the next mating season.
They reach sexual maturity the following season.
Males will leave their mum completely during the next mating season while the females stay until the birth of the next cub.
Males will roam while the female will remain near the home.
They are also believed to be polygamous, having more than one mating partner.
They live to be around 10-23 years old, longer if in captivity.


Their main predators are lions, leopards, hunting dogs and pythons. They have the ability to dig fast or run in a zigzag fashion to elude their enemies. If this fails they will strike with their claws, tail, shoulders and sometimes flip onto their backs to lash out with all fours. Their thick skin also helps.

Spiritual Meaning

When an aardvark is your spirit guide, you have to trust your instinctual sense to smell out what is right and wrong for you. Be cautious when starting a new relationship or project until your instinct tells you it is safe.
When they appear to you as a spirit animal, you need to spend quiet time in solitude, avoiding social activities. 
Look below the surface and find what is underneath.
Evening is your most productive time.

I hope this is interesting for you. My intention is to do as many animals as possible, and offer colouring pages for sale as well, with a percentage of each sale going to an animal charity.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:
USA link
UK link

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev)
Twitter (Dan)

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.

I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ


Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

Monday 8 April 2019

100 Body Hacks - Skin

Good Afternoon everybody, welcome to the start of the week. Hope it is great for you and you had a great weekend! Oh yes, if you want your own portrait like the one above or on yesterday's blog, follow the links below, or get in touch.

Today is a continuation of yesterday, I hope you are enjoying them.

This time it is about your skin. Imagine your skin to be fresh, healthy and vibrant. Imagine it to be youthful and glowing with perfection. Imagine how it feels to have perfect, smooth and supple skin. Feel how it feels to be complimented for your beautiful skin. Imagine looking at your perfect skin, of any colour, make it darker or lighter and see how you look and feel.
Go try it and let me know how you get on!

Affirmations - I love my beautiful, healthy and vibrant skin.
I love how my skin looks and feels.
I am so grateful for my perfect, healthy skin.
I love how youthful and flexible my skin is.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev):
Twitter (Dan):

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.
I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ

Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

Sunday 7 April 2019

100 Body Hacks - Eyes

Good Afternoon everyone. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend! I will have something a bit different coming your way soon, with regards to information and colouring pages/sketches surrounding many different types and species of animals along with their spiritual meaning if they have one. Let me know what you think and if this is something you want to see.

Anyway, I digress. Back to today. 

So today's blog I am following on from yesterday's post, this time surrounding your eyes.

Imagine your eyes to be a desired colour of your choice, or to have perfect eyesight. Imagine how it feels to be complimented about your eyes and how well you can see now. How does it feel to have the eyes and the sight that you have now? See yourself stood in a mirror in your mind, looking at your eyes. 
Trust me, this works if you believe enough. I tried it out a while back and, for a period of time, I had the most brilliant red in my eyes, this only changed because I stopped thinking about it. So go ahead, give it a go, what have you got to lose?

Affirmations to use - I love my beautiful eyes, which see with clarity.
I love how healthy my beautiful eyes look and feel.
I am grateful for my sight and I am grateful that my eyes are perfect for me.

Let me know how you get on and what colour you chose.

Love and light to you all :) 

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev):
Twitter (Dan):

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

I am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.
I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ

Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -

If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

Saturday 6 April 2019

Small Snippet from New Project - 100 Body Hacks

Good afternoon everyone, gosh hasn't it been a while since I last posted, many apologies for that. A lot has been happening and this just sort of took a back seat.

Anyway today I decided to do a quick post, a teaser if you will, with regards to a new book my partner is working on. It is mostly focused around body hacks, so without further ado, here it is:

Imagine your hair longer or shorter, a different colour perhaps or even different hair type. You can imagine any colour and style you like, the more it excites you the easier it is. Imagine your hair receiving your command and working to give you what you want.
Imagine you can feel it working now, imagine looking in a mirror and seeing yourself with your desired hair.

Here are some affirmations you can use:

I love my beautiful hair. My hair is healthy and works in harmony with my desires. My hair is strong and vibrantly coloured. I love my hair and I am grateful for it. I love how my hair makes me feel attractive and others notice how great my hair looks.

Hope you enjoy today's post, let me know if it works for you and how you have changed your hair.

Love and light.

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev):
Twitter (Dan):

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

 am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.
I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ

Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -
Fiverr -
3 rune stones -
Multiple page in depth reading (runes, tarot, intuitive and numerology) -
If you want one of my art prints, they are available here -

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Messages from the Angels - Empowered Differences

Good Evening one and all and thank you for stopping by.

Today I have a slightly different post, in the form of messages from the angels, these were channeled through Kev. I hope you all enjoy, feel free to let me know if there are any other topics that interest you.

So, without further ado, here is the channeling:

"We are here today and we thank you for coming to us with this question about conflict. When we say there is no such thing, it doesn't help many of you. We do mean that there is no such thing, and though it looks to you that there is plenty of it, then you are no doubt expecting it and experiencing what you expect.
This is normal in this case, though it isn't the only way to see things. It is in the way you see things that makes them what they are.
Rather than saying there is conflict you could say there is empowered differences between what appears to be two sides of one thing.
You are all one, you are one race living in one place and the only real conflict is of a vibrational nature. You've been told the experiment here is over and the supposed conflict is the process of the negative ions being turned, or transmuted, into positive ones.
The scale has tipped and the magnets are on. Those that are in conflict will inevitably separate as the scale tips further, with those supposed negative beings going one way and the positive going another.
All is done and over with and you are in the process of becoming who you always were and have been. You may not know for sure and you may feel alone in this but you never are, you never have been and you never will be, that is not the way things are.
For those needing assistance at any time, we are here for you. You must ask in order to be given.
Don't let differences come between you, in the bigger picture the squabbles won't matter and, if anything, you could say if this is just the changing of one to the other then they must happen before you can fully appreciate how good things are.
You come to us because of conflict in your news and in your personal lives, then we tell you everything is and always has been okay and you don't believe it.
You need to remember you are where we were when we were you going through it and here we are talking to and looking back over the things we did when we were there.
How do we know that all is okay right now? Because life is eternal and life is in good stead, you are here and so are we.
When you beat the drum of anything you attract it so why not (at least temporarily) beat the drum of what is joyful, peaceful and perfect, rather than the opposite of those things, and attract joy, peace and perfection.
Don't look for the things you do not want and you won't get them now, or ever.
Things will play out for as long as it takes for you to decide that it is better to look for the good, the harmony and the joy.
Look for something else and get something else. Look for us and ask for us and know we are there. Where else could this come from if not for the fact that you are remembering from words we are sending to you in the first place.
You chose to come along as you to experience this and you chose to feel isolated, and you chose to overcome everything that this life had in store for you.
You were bored to be where we are and you chose to come here for something to do and yet you feel as though something has gone wrong or something must not be right, but the truth remains, if Source didn't think you could do it you wouldn't be there and if you didn't think it was possible then you would not have come.
You need one to have the other. Don't beat yourself up, relax and take the strain off of yourself. All is already perfect and you are perfectly seeing out your mission.
Want a different experience that much, then it is as easy choice to look at different experiences or look at the same experience differently.
We know you can do it and have done it because we are here in testament of how well you have done.
We love you and are here for you, always, for we are you and you are us."

I hope this helps and you enjoyed this message. Feel free to share as well. I want to help spread the word and help as many people as possible.

Love and light to you all :)

For anyone interested in trying out some of our recipe ideas I have a cookbook on Amazon, go check it out and let us know what you made, recipes include cookies, cheesecakes, fudge and truffles plus many more:

To communicate/donate/buy artwork or figurines from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
Twitter (Dan):

PS - A little message from Kev as he also is offering some readings and has a YouTube channel:

 am now offering 3, 6 and 9 cars readings and with the money raised I will be focusing totally on this channel and towards helping and healing over 1,000,000 people.

Etsy has its own payment process with which you can receive your reading through the post, for payment via PayPal simply insert your email address in the note and I will send the reading direct to your inbox.

I hope you are well and I hope to hear from you soon.
I love you!

Please Subscribe - ðŸ’šðŸ’œ

Etsy -
(9 card) -
(6 card) -
(3 card) -