Wednesday 20 December 2017

Angelic Beings

Good evening one and all. Welcome to today's blog post. Today I am going to be sharing my experience with Angels. Mostly to do with healing with the help of Mother Mary, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael.

So, my first experience was when I had the most horrendous toothache. I knew of divine healing codes (link below) and the older one mentioned about asking the angels for help. I wrote out the code for toothache, placed it on my face over the affected area and then asked out loud to be healed. I didn't really know what to expect, all I knew was to have believe and to be willing and accepting. After a short while I could feel a presence around me, a cold air around my face and the pain started to ease. Afterwards, I thanked the angels for all their assistance. You must always thank them for their time.

My second experience was actually involving an object in the form of a car. Two in fact. The first car was having some mechanical problems so I placed another code inside the car and whenever I got in the car and then left the car I asked the angels to ensure that I arrived safely at my destination. While the car didn't last I knew I was always safe. My next car also presented me with mechanical issues and I used the code in the car again and always speak with the angels. In fact, just yesterday I also shouted at the car. I had stopped at some traffic lights and the issue arose causing the engine to rev on it's own and stall the car. I turned the engine back on, and in no uncertain terms shouted at him (we call him Tony) and told him to stop with the issues, to not do it again and to get me home safely or he would be got rid of. I also kindly asked the angels to help. After that, I had a pleasant journey home.

Lastly comes in the form of my grandfather. He went in to hospital for a second time in a short space of time, so I spoke with my mum and explained about positive thoughts and energy, telling herself that he will be fine and will get better. Me and the older one did the same and I told her to get nan to do the same as well. I asked the angels along with his guides to ensure he was healed. The next day he had perked up and was eating and drinking and in less than a week he was back home.

All it takes is belief and you can heal yourself.

Love and light to you all and thank you for reading :)

Daily Affirmations: 'I am healthy, I am powerful, I am consciously controlling my reality with ease and grace.'

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