Thursday 14 December 2017

Intuitive Reading - John F. Kennedy Sourcing the Truth

Good Afternoon everyone from a rather chilly England. We hope you are all well and thank you for sticking with us. Today's post is a little different in the form of an intuitive reading from the older one and his communication with John F. Kennedy. So, here is the reading:

'To know the truth, you have to know how to find it and where you can find it. The truth is easy to come by but harder to face up to. Everything that has ever been told or discovered was or is true to somebody but it doesn't make it truth.

In a world where you are shown that the way to find the truth is to believe another's story, this is indicative of those who are telling tales.

Stories sell, having no stories means no news, this is what happens, they sell you a story and you agree or disagree. Those who agree will talk about it and those who don't agree will talk about it. #

To find truth you have to be able to discern what the truth is. Behind the scenes or behind the camera much more is going on and chances are, regardless of the content, an observer is feeling one way or the other about what they are viewing.

Truth or certain parts of the truth are commonly known of and spoken about, though this still doesn't make it true for every observer.

People by the millions have looked at and into my death, the circumstances at how it came about, who was to blame and what it all meant. Many turn their eyes away when faced with the truth. Those who look past the given story and into the finer details will find themselves to be a simple conspiracy theorist.

It is told that in the coming days those who know of and speak the truth will be disbelieved by their peers for doing so. If 95% of those who watch or listen to the media news don't believe what is being said then to whom is the story being told to, to what purpose is there in it being told?

In a world where you know there are many stories about the truth, and that people find it hard to face, that in a sense, is proof of how it works.

By telling you something, regardless of what, they are using covert means to divide you, from your family, your friends and those you hold dear. The uneasiness in everything stems from what you are told that is fictional. You don't not like something unless you experience it so they, those who are inclined to tell and sell publicity, in its varied forms, will show you, tell you and everyone they can that their account is true.

If everything 95% believe is, in fact, a lie, or embellishment of the truth then it is easy to conclude that those crazy conspiracy stories you hear are probably true.

The victor of the war is the one who tells the story.'

So there we have it, hope you enjoyed today's blog. If you would like the older one to do an intuitive reading on someone specific please get in touch. Unconditional love and light to all.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am intuitive, I am discerning, I am open and I am allowing.'

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