Wednesday 6 December 2017

Communicating With Your Spirit Guides

Good Afternoon everyone, apologies for my absence again we are starting a new venture. Following on from one of my recent blog posts about fairies we decided to create clay ornaments and figurines for use in your fairy gardens. We have a shop over on Etsy we would love you to check out, we do only have 1 listing currently but we are busy creating many more items, and are always willing to take requests. The link is below. And thank you all for sticking by us.

Now, on to today's blog. Today I am going to speak about how to communicate with your spirit guides and my personal experience. Now, everyone is different and there are many ways in which you can do this, for me I used a guided meditation from YouTube, again I will have the link below for you to use if you wish.

I sat in a dark and quiet room and used my headphones to listen to the guided meditation. A guy called Joe tells you exactly what to do and walks you through every step of the way. As I got into the meditation I met a beautiful, brown haired lady shown in the picture above. We were stood by a lake, a waterfall gently flowing in the background with a slight breeze in the air. We spoke and she told me her name was Jenny, she really helped me to understand more about the spirit world and how they are all around us. We spoke about granddad, how things aren't as they seem and just enjoyed each others company. They are there for us to learn from and to guide us, we just need to let them in and speak with them and when you are finished always thank them.

Our spirit animal guides are with us for a period of time when we need them or they are wanting to have an experience with someone they love dearly.They change throughout our lives so don't be shocked if yours has changed or changes down the line. As shown in the picture above I also have a lynx who loves to curl up round my neck and sleep, especially on car journeys.

If you would like a sketch or coloured drawing of your spirit animal to help with communicating with them please check out Kev over on Fiverr.

YouTube video:

Daily Affirmations: 'I am open and allowing for communication with my spirit guide, I am connected, I am allowing, I am remembering.'

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