Sunday 26 November 2017

My Experience With Bilocating

Good evening everybody. Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts recently, things have been a little busy here and I have let it slip through my fingers. But thank you to everyone for sticking with us on our journey. Lots of love, light and unconditional love to you all.

So, today's blog post is something fun and something I learned and experienced today during our Sunday meditation and it is called bilocating. Basically this is where you are effectively in 2 places at the same time. Your physical body is sat wherever you are and your spirit body is in another place.

So for instance today, we did 2 different locations. And all you need to do is picture yourself, in your mind, wherever you wish to be. So for us, our first location was a tall building somewhere, roughly 30 feet above the ground. We both pictured ourselves at the same location, the older one then proceeded to jump off the building and I swiftly followed. I could quite literally feel the wind on my face, to the extent that it made my eyes water, my heart was racing and I became short of breath.

For our second location we went to Eastbourne to a place called Beachy Head. We waked along the path and up to the clifftop, he was walking me through the steps as this was all new to me. We then walked off the cliff. Now, in spiritual circles this is something we are told we need to practice as we are to fight our own ego and not just drop. I was partly successful, I did start walking in the air, floating and flying but then I dropped and fell into the ocean below. Again I could feel the air around my face, felt free and at one, and then I instantly had the underwater feeling in my nose when I fell.

So, go on, try it for yourself and let us know where you end up and what you experience. You know you want to ☺

Daily Affirmations: 'I am awareness, I am perception, I am multidimensional and I am awakening.'

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