Wednesday 8 November 2017

Remote Viewing the Sphinx

Good Afternoon everyone, we hope you are enjoying our new blog. It is wonderful to have you here with us on our journey and we send out unconditional love to all ☺

Today we have a slightly different exercise for you all, in the form of remote viewing using the picture shown above. This is one of the spiritual or psychic abilities I really wanted to learn and I never actually thought I could. But thanks to the old dear and Kelli Coffee it is super simple, easy and fun.

Firstly, remember to use a sphere of golden white light, quieten your mind and focus on the picture. Focus on yourself being stood there at the bottom. What can you see? What can you hear? What can you feel? Maybe you can smell a certain smell, or you can feel the warmth from the sun. Feel free to write down and share what you saw or felt with us in the comments section, we would love to hear from you.

Once the older one had drawn the picture, I then sat and remote viewed. It is so funny being able to be anywhere I choose, especially places I have never been to before. I was instantly transported to the foot of the stairs, I could see the golden rays coming from the sun, the warmth all around me. There was a gentle breeze which was blowing the sand around and I could hear the whistle as it rushed past me. I decided to explore my surroundings and notice a door underneath him which I proceeded through. Inside was like a huge vault filled with what appeared to be gold, it had an almost eerie feel to it so I didn't choose to hang around for long. On the walls were a variety of different sketches of what looked to be animal figures, the walls also a golden colour with a dim light coming from the corner.

Enjoy, and please do let us know what you experience.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am protected, I am discerning and I am knowledgeable.'

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