Friday 17 November 2017

Strange Sky Phenomenon

Good Afternoon everyone and welcome to today's blog post. We thank you all for joining us and continuing on this journey with us. We hope you are enjoying our blog so far. Now, on to today's blog, this time about our rather strange weather and varying lights in the sky.

As you can see from the picture shown above, the sky has a rather unusual green light, as you can also see the moon is not visible. Where is this light coming from we all ask ourselves. We live in Farnham located in Surrey UK which is where this picture was taken, we often see lights like this while driving between here and Knaphill at night. Strangely, not many people seem to notice, or even pay attention to this. Often I find it rather difficult to drive wondering what on earth is going on. What are they trying to hide or to cover up.

You may remember a number of weeks ago now, we had a peculiar red sky and red sun pictured above. The media amongst various other people put this down to ash, sand and smoke coming over from America where they were having wild fires. Now, forgive me for being a sceptic. But I remember a good many years ago now when we had a sand/dust storm. I had been in a meeting and upon going outside all the cars where covered in a layer of black dust/sand. Well, where was it this time? What is it they are trying to do? Why are they trying to scare people? We took a video of this which I have included below for you all to draw your own conclusions.

For me, in all honesty, I do wonder what they are cloaking. The sky, to us at least, appears fake, a 3D screen type display. Where are all these strange lights coming from?

Take a moment to look up at the sun, what do you feel or see? More often that not this also appears like an optical illusion.

As always, please feel free to leave your comments about what you experience.

O and before I forget I have a quick plug to make for the older one, he doesn't know I am doing this hehe. He has just started up on Fiverr offering art for you to buy for yourself or a loved one for the small cost of $5. This can be anything you would like, I have included the link below so please go check him out.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am all seeing, I am all knowing, I am intelligent, I am lifting the veil.'

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