Monday 6 November 2017

Feeling Nature's Magic

Good Morning all you lovely people and welcome to our new blog, me and my partner send you much love and many greetings. We sincerely hope you enjoy this spiritual journey of discovery with us.

We are a regular couple going through our spiritual awakening at the same time as each other. Anyone new to spirituality will be glad to meet us because we are forever students.

My name is Dan, I will call my partner the older one because they are indeed older than I.

Today is all about healing in nature and feeling nature's magic. I have watched this video and felt the warmth of the sun. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth and relax. Feel the healing energy and let it take over.

For me not only did I feel the warming glow of the sun but I could hear birds in the background chirping away rather cheerily.

I closed my eyes and let the magic take over. I was transported to the scene, walking barefoot in the grass to ground myself, I sat on a rock at the side of the stream dipping my feet in the water, the sun's glow gently warming my body.

A robin came and sat next to me chirping away inquisitively, a gentle breeze in the air, butterflies roaming freely in the plants.

I instantly felt revived, awake and relaxed.

Daily affirmation - "I am safe, I am grounded and I am protected."

Link to today's healing energy art video (and our YouTube):

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