Thursday 16 November 2017

Fascinating Fairies

Good Afternoon one and all, I hope you are all well. Thank you for joining us and apologies for the delay in posting. Today I am going to talk about fairies.

From a young age I was always fascinated by fairies, along with other mythical beings. I often used to see them as a child, usually around plants in the garden. But, as is always the case, growing up nobody takes you seriously and you go through the system losing sight of all that surrounds us. 2 years ago when we started to go through our spiritual awakening I remembered about the fairies and wanted to learn more about them. I happened to stumble across a video on YouTube (I have included the link below for those who wish to view it) and found it truly fascinating and wonderful. It was then that I decided to create an indoor fairy garden for them (pictured above, although I did add more to it since). I managed to get all the items from Amazon, they have so many items listed on there and none of them are overly expensive. This is just a small selection, I also added leaves and twigs around the cardboard and went to a local well and got some fresh, natural water in a vial I placed on the table. In front of the table I placed a bowl of water they could drink from and with that I invited them into our home and told them they were welcome any time. I would often hear them laughing, and they absolutely love music and dancing to it.

One evening, both me and the older one invited them in to sit with us. After a few minutes I could see flashes of white light appear, and then I had a young female come and sit on my shoulder, another played with my hair and started poking me in the ear. We spoke with them and sang with them. They were such gentle beings, although I do know some can be rather mean and nasty.

When you are out in nature, speak with them, thank them for looking after Mother Earth and all the plants and the trees, spend time sitting in nature and invite them to come and join you. Believe and be pure in your heart and you, too, can see and feel their presence. When at home, create a fairy garden for them, either indoors or in your own garden. Invite them in to your home, make them feel welcome.

I hope you have enjoyed today's blog post, please feel free to leave any comments and share with your friends. Much love and light to all.

YouTube video:

Daily Affirmations: 'I am attuned to nature, I am attuned to Gaia, I am attuned to the elements, I perceive the frequency of truth'

To communicate/donate/buy artwork from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
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