Friday 10 November 2017

Naronia the Climate Cycle

Good Afternoon one and all. We hope you are well on this sunny Friday. We enjoy sharing our spiritual journey with you and send love and light to all.

Today we have something a little different for you, regarding Naronia. Now I am by no means an expert and I shall allow you all to make your own minds up. 

Isn't it funny how, when things happen to you in your life that make you look at and see things differently, from then on the rabbit hole deepens into not only some of the most fantastical themes but also some really obvious ones. I happened to come across Naronia while looking into climate change posts and came across a video which really seemed to ring true for me, I have included the link to this below. Obviously there are lots of videos out there if you would like to research this for yourself.

Personally, I was fascinated to learn. To me, I find it so obvious now when you look at the cycles of glaciation and thawing of our planet that things are happening in cycles, that these warming and cooling events occur frequently and that in the past we had higher levels of CO2 preserved in the ice from another time that the Earth cooled thanks to the changes in the Sun.

Let us know your thoughts, feelings and experiences of this, we would love to hear from you :)

Link to the video on the subject:

Daily Affirmations: 'I am open, I am allowing, I am truth'

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