Monday 13 November 2017

Lessie And So Much More

Good Evening everybody, and what a cold evening it is, and thank you for sticking with us. Apologies for the delay in posting. We hope you are well and enjoying our blog so far. Sending lots of love, light and laughter to you all.

Today is something different to our other posts, more of a story and insight I guess you could call it, but it also has a spiritual aspect to it which is why I decided to make a post.

First I shall start with some background information. 6 years ago I met Kev and soon after I met his parents. His mum had an albino rabbit called Beano, we renamed him Lessie, and he was an inquisitive soul. He was in the sitting room with us and loved to be mischievous, trying to chew through shoelaces, run away with people's shoes, chew through wires, you name it he wanted it. Over the course of the 6 years I grew closer to him. He spent a lot of time inside, running riot around everyone, up and down the stairs ripping at the wallpaper. He also had a hutch outside, although he did like to try and bite my hand whenever I went to give him fresh food and water, but deep down he was a gentle soul, although our cat Dessie (well technically not ours but she likes to think she is) wouldn't agree there as she was rather scared of him LOL.

One night 1-2 years ago he was attacked by a fox, that is until Dessie chased the fox away and we rescued Lessie. He then remained a house rabbit, was well looked after. It was then that we grew even closer, often I would sit on the sofa next to him and he would come over to see me, more so when I had a blue duvet cover. He loved nothing more than to sit on my lap licking it, what a strange one he was. He was also rather fond of the green bits in amongst his food so often I would have to sit there picking them out (well we all would, he was spoilt like that), and then he would gently eat them from my hand and rub his nose against mine, always running over to see me whenever I visited.

Sadly though, in April of 2017 he passed away. This was greatly upsetting to us all, especially the older one's mum as he was her baby. But being spiritual, we both connected with Lessie on the other side. I often saw him in my mind, with his pick of the lady rabbits, running around in the fields extremely happy and care free. We often spoke to him after this.

Moving forward to September 2017, I happened to pop into a Pets at Home store near to our home, I had a glance at some of the animals they had in there and then was drawn to a black, male rabbit called Jacob, he was a year old and came running over to see me, climbing up the window. It was in that moment that I knew it was Lessie and that he had come back and that I had to get him. I rushed home to speak to the older one, and we went straight back before they closed, lots of other people were also showing interest but we got there first. And it turned out he was up for adoption having been in 4 other homes, well he found his forever home with this family. He has the exact same attitude and personality as Lessie, likes to chew cardboard, chewed through a phone charger, gnaws on the wooden bed posts, tries ripping up carpet, instantly went to the duvet and loves to play chase. He is also very possessive over his food to the point we have to throw it at him before he charges at you. But he also loves his cuddles and is very protective and loving and we wouldn't have him any other way. The mischievous side is what makes him who he is, and he does get his own way a lot.

So for those of you who also have lost pets, communicate with them on the other side. Relax, breathe deeply and state your intent. connect to their spirit and feel them in your heart. Picture them in your mind and talk to them. And when deciding on another pet go with your heart, your gut and who you are drawn to, this will be your previous pet who has come back.

Many thanks to all of you for your support and thank you for reading.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am communicating, I am connected, I am aligned and I am cognizant.'

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