Sunday 26 November 2017

My Experience With Bilocating

Good evening everybody. Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts recently, things have been a little busy here and I have let it slip through my fingers. But thank you to everyone for sticking with us on our journey. Lots of love, light and unconditional love to you all.

So, today's blog post is something fun and something I learned and experienced today during our Sunday meditation and it is called bilocating. Basically this is where you are effectively in 2 places at the same time. Your physical body is sat wherever you are and your spirit body is in another place.

So for instance today, we did 2 different locations. And all you need to do is picture yourself, in your mind, wherever you wish to be. So for us, our first location was a tall building somewhere, roughly 30 feet above the ground. We both pictured ourselves at the same location, the older one then proceeded to jump off the building and I swiftly followed. I could quite literally feel the wind on my face, to the extent that it made my eyes water, my heart was racing and I became short of breath.

For our second location we went to Eastbourne to a place called Beachy Head. We waked along the path and up to the clifftop, he was walking me through the steps as this was all new to me. We then walked off the cliff. Now, in spiritual circles this is something we are told we need to practice as we are to fight our own ego and not just drop. I was partly successful, I did start walking in the air, floating and flying but then I dropped and fell into the ocean below. Again I could feel the air around my face, felt free and at one, and then I instantly had the underwater feeling in my nose when I fell.

So, go on, try it for yourself and let us know where you end up and what you experience. You know you want to ☺

Daily Affirmations: 'I am awareness, I am perception, I am multidimensional and I am awakening.'

Friday 17 November 2017

Strange Sky Phenomenon

Good Afternoon everyone and welcome to today's blog post. We thank you all for joining us and continuing on this journey with us. We hope you are enjoying our blog so far. Now, on to today's blog, this time about our rather strange weather and varying lights in the sky.

As you can see from the picture shown above, the sky has a rather unusual green light, as you can also see the moon is not visible. Where is this light coming from we all ask ourselves. We live in Farnham located in Surrey UK which is where this picture was taken, we often see lights like this while driving between here and Knaphill at night. Strangely, not many people seem to notice, or even pay attention to this. Often I find it rather difficult to drive wondering what on earth is going on. What are they trying to hide or to cover up.

You may remember a number of weeks ago now, we had a peculiar red sky and red sun pictured above. The media amongst various other people put this down to ash, sand and smoke coming over from America where they were having wild fires. Now, forgive me for being a sceptic. But I remember a good many years ago now when we had a sand/dust storm. I had been in a meeting and upon going outside all the cars where covered in a layer of black dust/sand. Well, where was it this time? What is it they are trying to do? Why are they trying to scare people? We took a video of this which I have included below for you all to draw your own conclusions.

For me, in all honesty, I do wonder what they are cloaking. The sky, to us at least, appears fake, a 3D screen type display. Where are all these strange lights coming from?

Take a moment to look up at the sun, what do you feel or see? More often that not this also appears like an optical illusion.

As always, please feel free to leave your comments about what you experience.

O and before I forget I have a quick plug to make for the older one, he doesn't know I am doing this hehe. He has just started up on Fiverr offering art for you to buy for yourself or a loved one for the small cost of $5. This can be anything you would like, I have included the link below so please go check him out.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am all seeing, I am all knowing, I am intelligent, I am lifting the veil.'

Thursday 16 November 2017

Fascinating Fairies

Good Afternoon one and all, I hope you are all well. Thank you for joining us and apologies for the delay in posting. Today I am going to talk about fairies.

From a young age I was always fascinated by fairies, along with other mythical beings. I often used to see them as a child, usually around plants in the garden. But, as is always the case, growing up nobody takes you seriously and you go through the system losing sight of all that surrounds us. 2 years ago when we started to go through our spiritual awakening I remembered about the fairies and wanted to learn more about them. I happened to stumble across a video on YouTube (I have included the link below for those who wish to view it) and found it truly fascinating and wonderful. It was then that I decided to create an indoor fairy garden for them (pictured above, although I did add more to it since). I managed to get all the items from Amazon, they have so many items listed on there and none of them are overly expensive. This is just a small selection, I also added leaves and twigs around the cardboard and went to a local well and got some fresh, natural water in a vial I placed on the table. In front of the table I placed a bowl of water they could drink from and with that I invited them into our home and told them they were welcome any time. I would often hear them laughing, and they absolutely love music and dancing to it.

One evening, both me and the older one invited them in to sit with us. After a few minutes I could see flashes of white light appear, and then I had a young female come and sit on my shoulder, another played with my hair and started poking me in the ear. We spoke with them and sang with them. They were such gentle beings, although I do know some can be rather mean and nasty.

When you are out in nature, speak with them, thank them for looking after Mother Earth and all the plants and the trees, spend time sitting in nature and invite them to come and join you. Believe and be pure in your heart and you, too, can see and feel their presence. When at home, create a fairy garden for them, either indoors or in your own garden. Invite them in to your home, make them feel welcome.

I hope you have enjoyed today's blog post, please feel free to leave any comments and share with your friends. Much love and light to all.

YouTube video:

Daily Affirmations: 'I am attuned to nature, I am attuned to Gaia, I am attuned to the elements, I perceive the frequency of truth'

To communicate/donate/buy artwork from Kev:
Twitter (Kev): https://twitter.come/fakefakenewskev
Twitter (Dan):

Monday 13 November 2017

Lessie And So Much More

Good Evening everybody, and what a cold evening it is, and thank you for sticking with us. Apologies for the delay in posting. We hope you are well and enjoying our blog so far. Sending lots of love, light and laughter to you all.

Today is something different to our other posts, more of a story and insight I guess you could call it, but it also has a spiritual aspect to it which is why I decided to make a post.

First I shall start with some background information. 6 years ago I met Kev and soon after I met his parents. His mum had an albino rabbit called Beano, we renamed him Lessie, and he was an inquisitive soul. He was in the sitting room with us and loved to be mischievous, trying to chew through shoelaces, run away with people's shoes, chew through wires, you name it he wanted it. Over the course of the 6 years I grew closer to him. He spent a lot of time inside, running riot around everyone, up and down the stairs ripping at the wallpaper. He also had a hutch outside, although he did like to try and bite my hand whenever I went to give him fresh food and water, but deep down he was a gentle soul, although our cat Dessie (well technically not ours but she likes to think she is) wouldn't agree there as she was rather scared of him LOL.

One night 1-2 years ago he was attacked by a fox, that is until Dessie chased the fox away and we rescued Lessie. He then remained a house rabbit, was well looked after. It was then that we grew even closer, often I would sit on the sofa next to him and he would come over to see me, more so when I had a blue duvet cover. He loved nothing more than to sit on my lap licking it, what a strange one he was. He was also rather fond of the green bits in amongst his food so often I would have to sit there picking them out (well we all would, he was spoilt like that), and then he would gently eat them from my hand and rub his nose against mine, always running over to see me whenever I visited.

Sadly though, in April of 2017 he passed away. This was greatly upsetting to us all, especially the older one's mum as he was her baby. But being spiritual, we both connected with Lessie on the other side. I often saw him in my mind, with his pick of the lady rabbits, running around in the fields extremely happy and care free. We often spoke to him after this.

Moving forward to September 2017, I happened to pop into a Pets at Home store near to our home, I had a glance at some of the animals they had in there and then was drawn to a black, male rabbit called Jacob, he was a year old and came running over to see me, climbing up the window. It was in that moment that I knew it was Lessie and that he had come back and that I had to get him. I rushed home to speak to the older one, and we went straight back before they closed, lots of other people were also showing interest but we got there first. And it turned out he was up for adoption having been in 4 other homes, well he found his forever home with this family. He has the exact same attitude and personality as Lessie, likes to chew cardboard, chewed through a phone charger, gnaws on the wooden bed posts, tries ripping up carpet, instantly went to the duvet and loves to play chase. He is also very possessive over his food to the point we have to throw it at him before he charges at you. But he also loves his cuddles and is very protective and loving and we wouldn't have him any other way. The mischievous side is what makes him who he is, and he does get his own way a lot.

So for those of you who also have lost pets, communicate with them on the other side. Relax, breathe deeply and state your intent. connect to their spirit and feel them in your heart. Picture them in your mind and talk to them. And when deciding on another pet go with your heart, your gut and who you are drawn to, this will be your previous pet who has come back.

Many thanks to all of you for your support and thank you for reading.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am communicating, I am connected, I am aligned and I am cognizant.'

Friday 10 November 2017

Naronia the Climate Cycle

Good Afternoon one and all. We hope you are well on this sunny Friday. We enjoy sharing our spiritual journey with you and send love and light to all.

Today we have something a little different for you, regarding Naronia. Now I am by no means an expert and I shall allow you all to make your own minds up. 

Isn't it funny how, when things happen to you in your life that make you look at and see things differently, from then on the rabbit hole deepens into not only some of the most fantastical themes but also some really obvious ones. I happened to come across Naronia while looking into climate change posts and came across a video which really seemed to ring true for me, I have included the link to this below. Obviously there are lots of videos out there if you would like to research this for yourself.

Personally, I was fascinated to learn. To me, I find it so obvious now when you look at the cycles of glaciation and thawing of our planet that things are happening in cycles, that these warming and cooling events occur frequently and that in the past we had higher levels of CO2 preserved in the ice from another time that the Earth cooled thanks to the changes in the Sun.

Let us know your thoughts, feelings and experiences of this, we would love to hear from you :)

Link to the video on the subject:

Daily Affirmations: 'I am open, I am allowing, I am truth'

Thursday 9 November 2017

Go On, Fudge Yourself

Good Afternoon everyone, we hope you are well on this rather cold Thursday. Thank you again for following our journey, love and light to you all.

So, we said we had lots of different and fun things to be included within our blog. Today we have two very quick, simple and easy recipes for you and your sweet tooth. The older one is a trained chef, whereas I have rarely cooked before and even I found this so simple and delicious. In fact on a scale of 1-5 for easiness and taste (5 being super easy and super tasty) I rate this a 5 on both counts, absolutely divine ☺

Chocolate Fudge

1 can of condensed milk (We used a 397g can for this)
Plain Chocolate (We used 3 bars, what can I say, I'm a chocoholic)
Tin Foil
Cling Film
A dish/tray
A microwaveable bowl/jug

Open and pour the condensed milk into the bowl/jug
Break the plain chocolate (though it can be literally any flavour or kind of chocolate you prefer, for the free from choc ie vegan chocolate you may have to check on the melting temperatures and methods) into small pieces and add to the condensed milk
Mix them together

Place into the microwave and set on full power for 30 seconds.
Stir the mixture together
You will need to repeat this step until the chocolate has melted and the mixture has combined and thickened (We did this for a further 3 30 second blasts)
Line your dish with tin foil and then cover with cling film
Pour your mixture into the dish and smooth it over before placing in the fridge to set.

Butter Fudge

1 can of condensed milk (again we used 1 can of 397g)
2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of brown Sugar
(white chocolate/toffee chocolate, we used one bag of Caramac buttons)
Tin Foil
Cling Film
A dish/tray
A microwaveable bowl/jug

Pour the condensed milk into a microwaveable bowl/jug
Cream the butter and sugar together in a mixing bowl
Add a few drops of vanilla (we used vanilla flavouring, though again you can choose your flavouring) and mix together
Add the mixture to the condensed milk
Mix the mixture together to combine and then place in the microwave and heat on full power for 45 seconds
Stir and repeat the previous step until the mixture has fully melted, add in the broken pieces from the bag of chocolate buttons, stir until thickened.
Line your dish with tin foil and then cover with cling film
Pour your mixture into the dish and smooth it over before placing in the fridge to set

You can use various flavours for these recipes and can add ingredients depending on the fudge you would like. We actually made a separate batch for the older ones mum. To the chocolate fudge we broke up and added small chunks of Caramac buttons. And for the butter fudge we melted some chocolate which we then drizzled on the bottom of the dish, added Caramac buttons to the melted mixture and heated for a further 20 seconds before pouring over the melted chocolate.

I must admit I am rather pleased with myself and both fudges went down a treat and were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Please do let us know your thoughts and how they turned out for you.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am nourished, I am inspired, I am wise and I am grateful'

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Remote Viewing the Sphinx

Good Afternoon everyone, we hope you are enjoying our new blog. It is wonderful to have you here with us on our journey and we send out unconditional love to all ☺

Today we have a slightly different exercise for you all, in the form of remote viewing using the picture shown above. This is one of the spiritual or psychic abilities I really wanted to learn and I never actually thought I could. But thanks to the old dear and Kelli Coffee it is super simple, easy and fun.

Firstly, remember to use a sphere of golden white light, quieten your mind and focus on the picture. Focus on yourself being stood there at the bottom. What can you see? What can you hear? What can you feel? Maybe you can smell a certain smell, or you can feel the warmth from the sun. Feel free to write down and share what you saw or felt with us in the comments section, we would love to hear from you.

Once the older one had drawn the picture, I then sat and remote viewed. It is so funny being able to be anywhere I choose, especially places I have never been to before. I was instantly transported to the foot of the stairs, I could see the golden rays coming from the sun, the warmth all around me. There was a gentle breeze which was blowing the sand around and I could hear the whistle as it rushed past me. I decided to explore my surroundings and notice a door underneath him which I proceeded through. Inside was like a huge vault filled with what appeared to be gold, it had an almost eerie feel to it so I didn't choose to hang around for long. On the walls were a variety of different sketches of what looked to be animal figures, the walls also a golden colour with a dim light coming from the corner.

Enjoy, and please do let us know what you experience.

Daily Affirmations: 'I am protected, I am discerning and I am knowledgeable.'

Monday 6 November 2017

Feeling Nature's Magic

Good Morning all you lovely people and welcome to our new blog, me and my partner send you much love and many greetings. We sincerely hope you enjoy this spiritual journey of discovery with us.

We are a regular couple going through our spiritual awakening at the same time as each other. Anyone new to spirituality will be glad to meet us because we are forever students.

My name is Dan, I will call my partner the older one because they are indeed older than I.

Today is all about healing in nature and feeling nature's magic. I have watched this video and felt the warmth of the sun. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth and relax. Feel the healing energy and let it take over.

For me not only did I feel the warming glow of the sun but I could hear birds in the background chirping away rather cheerily.

I closed my eyes and let the magic take over. I was transported to the scene, walking barefoot in the grass to ground myself, I sat on a rock at the side of the stream dipping my feet in the water, the sun's glow gently warming my body.

A robin came and sat next to me chirping away inquisitively, a gentle breeze in the air, butterflies roaming freely in the plants.

I instantly felt revived, awake and relaxed.

Daily affirmation - "I am safe, I am grounded and I am protected."

Link to today's healing energy art video (and our YouTube):